Guide for Authors

Submission of the manuscript

The journal's template can be downloaded from the link below:

The copyright form must be filled and uploaded to the journal submission system:

Papers are accepted for publication in the Journal when the content has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Poor language, substantial departures from the instructions, and/or missing or incomplete submission form will result in returning the manuscript without review.

The Journal accepts only manuscripts through the online submission system. At once after submission, the author will be notified of submission process by means of email and the follow-up ID code. It is recommended to save the sent ID code for all the future correspondence regarding each article separately.

Use either British or American English consistently throughout the text. It is highly recommend that English of the text is checked by either a native English speaker or one familiar with English Scientific writing. 

Authors should also disclose any conflict of interest that may have influenced either the conduct or the presentation of the research to the editors.


Manuscript preparation

All manuscripts should be in doc, docx or tex. Moreover, a pdf file of the main manuscript is necessary to upload. Besides, it is optional to upload cover letter and supplementary document.

 Please double check the article for spelling, structure and format mistakes. All parts of the manuscript should be type-written (font size 12). Pages should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript.



Paper elements:

  1. Title page with:

1.1. Title

1.2. Complete name(s) of author(s)

1.3. Name and address of workplace(s)

1.4. Personal e-mail address(es)

1.5. Running title

  1. Abstract
  2. Key words
  3. Text

4.1. Introduction

4.2. Material and methods

4.3. Results

4.4. Discussion (these may be combined if appropriate)

4.5. Acknowledgements (if applicable)

4.6. References

  1. Footnotes/endnotes
  2. Tables with captions
  3. Figures with legends

Title page:

Choose a title that is long enough to cover the main points and by considering the importance of shortness. Do not use abbreviations in the title.

A list of all authors of the paper should be prepared. We need full first name, initial(s) for middle name(s) and full last name. Authors' affiliations should be indicated bellow followed by their E-mail addresses. Author's affiliation contains only department and university not author's degree or position. At least one e-mail address is needed. It will be used as the corresponding author's email address in all contacts with the authors. Furthermore, full address, telephone and fax number should be written.

Running title: a shorter version of the title (40 characters at most) is needed for page footer.


Abstract is the great importance as it may be reproduced elsewhere. Also, it is all that many may see of your work. It should be about 200-400 words long and includes the reason for the study, the main findings and the conclusions drawn from the observation. It is worth to note that it should not include abbreviations and references.


The abstract should be followed by up to 6 keywords additional to those in the title (alphabetically arranged and separated by comma).


General rules for writing:

 - use simple and declarative sentences; avoid long sentences, in which the meaning may be lost by complicated construction

-the following words should be in italic: latin names of genera and lower taxa (e.g., Salmo trutta), words which are originally not English (e.g., in vitro).


We recommend the use of a tool such as EndNote or Reference Manager for reference management and formatting.
EndNote reference styles can be searched for here:
Reference Manager reference styles can be searched for here:

References should not be numerical and bring according to the American Psychological Association (APA) style, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the reference page. For the references credited to more than 6 authors please provide the name of the first six authors and represent the remaining authors by the phrase “et al.”.

In the text, give references in the following forms: 'Stork (1988) said', 'Stork (1988: 331)' where it is desired to refer to a specific page, and '(Rapport, 1983)' where giving reference simply as authority for a statement. Note that names of joint authors are connected by '&' in the text. When papers are by more than two authors, use et al. after first author: Ghahreman et al. (2006) or (Ghahreman et al., 2006).

The list of references must include all publications cited in the text but only these. Prior to submission, make sure that all references in the text agree with those in the references section, and that spelling is consistent throughout. In the list of references, titles of periodicals must be given in full, not abbreviated. For books, give the title, place of publication, name of publisher (if after 1930), and indication of edition if not the first. References should conform as exactly as possible to one of these four styles, according to the type of publication cited.


Journal papers

Zhang, P., Der, L., Guo, D. & Razavi, B. (2005). A single-chip dual-band direct-conversion IEEE 802.11 a/b/g WLAN transceiver in 0.18-/spl mu/m CMOS. IEEE journal of solid-state circuits40(9), 1932-1939. 


Razavi, B., & Behzad, R. (2012). RF microelectronics (Vol. 2, pp. 255-333). New York: Prentice hall.

A chapter in the book

Dow MM, Cheverud JM, Rhoads J, Friedlaender J. 1987b. Statistical comparison of biological and cultural/history variation. In: Friedlaender J, Howells WW, Rhoads J, eds. Solomon Islands project: health, human biology, and cultural change. New York: Oxford University Press, 265-281.


Example from printed thesis:

Badbar M. 2012. Genetic diversity investigation of the Populus alba and Populus caspica in the western Hyrcanian forests, north IRAN by trnL-F molecular marker. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.

Example from electronic thesis:

Ignatov I. 2013. Eastward voyages and the late medieval European worldview. MSc thesis, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Retrieved from

Internet pages:

Maddison WP, Maddison DR. 2006. Mesquite: a modular system for evolutionary analysis, Version 1.12. Available at:

Other citations such as papers “in press” may appear on the list but not papers “submitted”, “in review” or “in preparation”. A personal communication may be cited in the text but not in the reference list. Please give the initials and surnames for all authors of personal communications and unpublished data.

Give foreign language references in ordinary English alphabetic form (but copy accents in French, German, Spanish, etc.), if necessary transliterating in accordance with a recognized scheme.




All tables must have number and name, located above it. Also, they should be referred to in the text in the proper numerical order (e.g., the first reference to Table 2 cannot precede the first reference to Table 1). Refer to tables parenthetically; e.g. '... (Table 1)'. 'Table 1 shows ...' type statements should always be avoided.



All illustrations (line drawings and photographs, maps and histograms etc) are classified as figures. Figures should be cited in consecutive order in the text.

Figures, drawings and photographs must always be referred to as "Fig.", followed by a number. Refer to figures parenthetically; e.g. '... (Fig. 1)'. 'Fig. 1 shows ...' type statements should always be avoided when referring to figures presenting results. Use the same font in all figures and within a figure. Explain all graphic symbols (e.g. squares, triangles and so on) within the figure, not in the caption.

*****Please Note: You should submit only one main file including main text and all other figures and Tables. Do NOT submit several files. You should combine all tables and figures in the end of the text and submit only one main file.